Spring Cleanout-20%OFF ALL RUGS AND DECOR
Arshs Fine Rugs offers the lowest price on the Internet. However, if you find a lower price offered by an online competitor, we will match the lower price and give you an additional 5% of the sale price. Please understand that many area rugs look alike but are not identical. A rug(s) may only qualify for a price match if and only if; the competitor rug(s) is the exact same brand, item number, pattern, material, size, shape and color as the one we offer for sale. The price match must be requested before placing your online order. We do NOT honor a price match after the order has been processed. Arshs Fine Rugs reserves the right to reject any price match request that we determine does not meet our policy’s qualifications.
To price match our competitors, Arshs Fine Rugs reserves the right to verify the items identity and competitors advertised price before honoring a price match. We also require the store to verify if there is a difference in price greater than 25% from the competitor.
We do NOT match prices on rugs(s) that are
Price match cannot be applied with any other discounts, offers or promotions. Your purchase also will not qualify for any of our product rebates. Price match does not affect sales tax, shipping charges or processing fees.
For any other further information please contact our customer service professionals at info@arshs.com
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